Source code for fortiosapi.fortiosapi

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2015 Fortinet, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

# aims at simplifying the configuration and
# integration of Fortgate configuration using the restapi
# A Python module to abstract configuration using FortiOS REST API

import copy
import json
# Set default logging handler to avoid "No handler found" warnings.
import logging
import subprocess
import time
from collections import OrderedDict

import paramiko
import requests
import six.moves.urllib as urllib

from .exceptions import (InvalidLicense, NotLogged)

    import urllib.parse as urlencoding
    import urllib as urlencoding

try:  # Python 2.7+
    from logging import NullHandler
except ImportError:
    class NullHandler(logging.Handler):
        def emit(self, record):
# Disable warnings about certificates.
# from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning

# requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning)
# may need to move to specifying the ca or use Verify=false
# verify="/etc/ssl/certs/" on Debian to use the system CAs
# create logger
LOG = logging.getLogger('fortiosapi')

[docs]class FortiOSAPI: """ Global class / example for FortiOSAPI """ def __init__(self): = None self._https = True self._logged = False self._fortiversion = "Version is set when logged" # reference the fortinet version of the targeted product. self._session = requests.session() # use single session # persistant and same for all self._session.verify = True # (can be changed to) self._session.verify = '/etc/ssl/certs/' or False self.timeout = 120 self.cert = None self._apitoken = None self._license = None self.url_prefix = None @staticmethod def logging(response): try: LOG.debug("response content type : %s", response.headers['content-type']) LOG.debug("Request : %s on url : %s ", response.request.method, response.request.url) LOG.debug("Response : http code %s reason : %s ", response.status_code, response.reason) LOG.debug("raw response: %s ", response.content) except: LOG.warning("method errors in request when global")
[docs] @staticmethod def debug(status): """ Set the debug to on to have all the debug information from the library You should add logging.getLogger(\'fortiosapi\') to your log handler :param status: on to set the log level to DEBUG :return: None """ if status == 'on': LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
def formatresponse(self, res, vdom=None): LOG.debug("formating response") self.logging(res) # Generic way to format the return from FortiAPI # If vdom is global the resp is a dict of resp (even 1) # 1 per vdom we check only the first one here (might need a more # complex check) if self._license == "Invalid": LOG.debug("License invalid detected") raise Exception("invalid license") try: if vdom == "global": resp = json.loads(res.content.decode('utf-8'))[0] resp['vdom'] = "global" else: LOG.debug("content res: %s", res.content) resp = json.loads(res.content.decode('utf-8')) return resp except: # that means res.content does not exist (error in general) # in that case return raw result TODO fix that with a loop in case of global LOG.warning( "in formatresponse res.content does not exist, should not occur") return res
[docs] def check_session(self): """ Helper fonction to check if the session on the FortiOSAPI object is valid :return: True or raise NotLogged or InvalidLicense """ if not self._logged: raise NotLogged() if self._license == "Invalid": raise InvalidLicense()
[docs] def https(self, status): """ Allow to use http or https (default). HTTP is necessary to use the API on unlicensed/trial Fortigates :param status: 'on' to use https to connect to API, anything else will http :return: """ if status == 'on': self._https = True if status == 'off': self._https = False LOG.debug("https mode is %s", self._https)
def update_cookie(self): # Retrieve server csrf and update session's headers LOG.debug("cookies are : %s ", self._session.cookies) for cookie in self._session.cookies: if == 'ccsrftoken': csrftoken = cookie.value[1:-1] # token stored as a list LOG.debug("csrftoken before update : %s ", csrftoken) self._session.headers.update({'X-CSRFTOKEN': csrftoken}) LOG.debug("csrftoken after update : %s ", csrftoken) LOG.debug("New session header is: %s", self._session.headers)
[docs] def login(self, host, username, password, verify=True, cert=None, timeout=12, vdom="global"): """ :param host: :param username: :param password: :param verify: :param cert: :param timeout: :param vdom: :return: """ = host LOG.debug("self._https is %s", self._https) if not self._https: self.url_prefix = 'http://' + else: self.url_prefix = 'https://' + url = self.url_prefix + '/logincheck' if not self._session: self._session = requests.session() # may happen if logout is called self._session.verify = verify if cert is not None: self._session.cert = cert # set the default at 12 see request doc for details self.timeout = timeout res = url, data='username=' + urllib.parse.quote(username) + '&secretkey=' + urllib.parse.quote(password) + "&ajax=1", timeout=self.timeout) self.logging(res) # Ajax=1 documented in 5.6 API ref but available on 5.4 LOG.debug("logincheck res : %s", res.content) if res.content.decode('ascii')[0] == '1': # Update session's csrftoken self.update_cookie() self._logged = True LOG.debug("host is %s", host) param = "{ vdom = " + vdom + " }" resp_lic = self.monitor('license', 'status', parameters = param) LOG.debug("response system/status : %s", resp_lic) try: self._fortiversion = resp_lic['version'] return True except KeyError: if resp_lic['status'] == 'success': self._logged = True return True else: self._logged = False raise NotLogged else: self._logged = False raise NotLogged
[docs] def tokenlogin(self, host, apitoken, verify=True, cert=None, timeout=12, vdom="global"): """ if using apitoken method then login/passwd will be disabled :param host: :param apitoken: :param verify: :param cert: :param timeout: :param vdom: :return: """ = host if not self._session: self._session = requests.session() # may happen at start or if logout is called self._session.headers.update({'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apitoken}) self._logged = True LOG.debug("self._https is %s", self._https) if not self._https: self.url_prefix = 'http://' + else: self.url_prefix = 'https://' + self._session.verify = verify if cert is not None: self._session.cert = cert # set the default at 12 see request doc for details self.timeout = timeout LOG.debug("host is %s", host) resp_lic = self.get('system', 'status', vdom=vdom) LOG.debug("response system/status : %s", resp_lic) try: self._fortiversion = resp_lic['version'] except TypeError: raise NotLogged return True
[docs] def get_version(self): """ :return: """ self.check_session() return self._fortiversion
[docs] def get_mkeyname(self, path, name, vdom=None): """ :param path: :param name: :param vdom: :return: """ # retreive the table mkey from schema schema = self.schema(path, name, vdom=vdom) try: keyname = schema['mkey'] except KeyError: LOG.warning("there is no mkey for %s/%s", path, name) return False return keyname
[docs] def get_mkey(self, path, name, data, vdom=None): """ :param path: :param name: :param data: :param vdom: :return: """ # retreive the table mkey from schema keyname = self.get_mkeyname(path, name, vdom) if not keyname: LOG.warning("there is no mkey for %s/%s", path, name) return None else: try: mkey = data[keyname] except KeyError: LOG.warning("mkey not set in the data") return None return mkey
[docs] def logout(self): """ :return: """ url = self.url_prefix + '/logout' res =, timeout=self.timeout) self._session.close() self._session.cookies.clear() self._logged = False # set license to Valid by default to ensure rechecked at login self._license = "Valid" self.logging(res)
def cmdb_url(self, path, name, vdom=None, mkey=None): self.check_session() # return builded URL url_postfix = '/api/v2/cmdb/' + path + '/' + name if mkey: url_postfix = url_postfix + '/' + \ urlencoding.quote(str(mkey), safe='') if vdom: LOG.debug("vdom is: %s", vdom) if vdom == "global": url_postfix += '?global=1' else: url_postfix += '?vdom=' + vdom url = self.url_prefix + url_postfix LOG.debug("urlbuild is %s with crsf: %s", url, self._session.headers) return url def mon_url(self, path, name, vdom=None, mkey=None): self.check_session() # return builded URL url_postfix = '/api/v2/monitor/' + path + '/' + name if mkey: url_postfix = url_postfix + '/' + \ urlencoding.quote(str(mkey), safe='') if vdom: LOG.debug("vdom is: %s", vdom) if vdom == "global": url_postfix += '?global=1' else: url_postfix += '?vdom=' + vdom url = self.url_prefix + url_postfix return url
[docs] def download(self, path, name, vdom=None, mkey=None, parameters=None): """ Use the download call on the monitoring part of the API. Can get the config, logs etc.. :param path: first part of the Fortios API URL like :param name: https://myfgt:8040/api/v2/cmdb/<path>/<name> :param mkey: when the cmdb object have a subtable mkey represent the subobject. It is optionnal at creation the code will find the mkey name for you. :param vdom: the vdom on which you want to apply config or global for global settings :param parameters: Add parameters understood by the API call in json. Must set \"destination\": \"file\" and scope :return: The file is part of the returned json """ url = self.mon_url(path, name, vdom=vdom, mkey=mkey) res = self._session.get(url, params=parameters, timeout=self.timeout) LOG.debug("in DOWNLOAD function") LOG.debug(" result download : %s", res.content) return res
[docs] def upload(self, path, name, vdom=None, mkey=None, parameters=None, data=None, files=None): """ Upload a file (refer to the monitoring part), used for license, config, certificates etc.. uploads. :param path: first part of the Fortios API URL like :param name: https://myfgt:8040/api/v2/cmdb/<path>/<name> :param data: json containing the param/values of the object to be set :param mkey: when the cmdb object have a subtable mkey represent the subobject. It is optionnal at creation the code will find the mkey name for you. :param vdom: the vdom on which you want to apply config or global for global settings :param parameters: Add on parameters understood by the API call can be \"&select=\" for example :param files: the file to be uploaded :return: A formatted json with the last response from the API """ # TODO should be file not files # TODO add a test url = self.mon_url(path, name, vdom=vdom, mkey=mkey) res =, params=parameters, data=data, files=files, timeout=self.timeout) LOG.debug("in UPLOAD function") return res
[docs] def get(self, path, name, vdom=None, mkey=None, parameters=None): """ Execute a GET on the cmdb (i.e. configuration part) of the Fortios API :param path: first part of the Fortios API URL like :param name: https://myfgt:8040/api/v2/cmdb/<path>/<name> :param mkey: when the cmdb object have a subtable mkey represent the subobject. It is optionnal at creation the code will find the mkey name for you. :param vdom: the vdom on which you want to apply config or global for global settings :param parameters: Add on parameters understood by the API call can be \"&select=\" for example :return: A formatted json with the last response from the API, values are in return['results'] """ url = self.cmdb_url(path, name, vdom, mkey=mkey) LOG.debug("Calling GET ( %s, %s)", url, parameters) res = self._session.get(url, params=parameters, timeout=self.timeout) LOG.debug("in GET function") return self.formatresponse(res, vdom=vdom)
[docs] def monitor(self, path, name, vdom=None, mkey=None, parameters=None): """ Execute a GET on the montioring part of the Fortios API :param path: first part of the Fortios API URL like :param name: https://myfgt:8040/api/v2/cmdb/<path>/<name> :param mkey: when the cmdb object have a subtable mkey represent the subobject. It is optionnal at creation the code will find the mkey name for you. :param vdom: the vdom on which you want to apply config or global for global settings :param parameters: Add on parameters understood by the API call can be \"&select=\" for example :return: A formatted json with the last response from the API, values are in return['results'] """ url = self.mon_url(path, name, vdom, mkey) LOG.debug("in monitor url is %s", url) res = self._session.get(url, params=parameters, timeout=self.timeout) LOG.debug("in MONITOR function") return self.formatresponse(res, vdom=vdom)
def schema(self, path, name, vdom=None): # vdom or global is managed in cmdb_url if vdom is None: url = self.cmdb_url(path, name) + "?action=schema" else: url = self.cmdb_url(path, name, vdom=vdom) + "&action=schema" res = self._session.get(url, timeout=self.timeout) if res.status_code is 200: if vdom == "global": return json.loads(res.content.decode('utf-8'))[0]['results'] else: return json.loads(res.content.decode('utf-8'))['results'] else: return json.loads(res.content.decode('utf-8')) def get_name_path_dict(self, vdom=None): # return builded URL url_postfix = '/api/v2/cmdb/' if vdom is not None: url_postfix += '?vdom=' + vdom + "&action=schema" else: url_postfix += "?action=schema" url = self.url_prefix + url_postfix cmdbschema = self._session.get(url, timeout=self.timeout) self.logging(cmdbschema) j = json.loads(cmdbschema.content.decode('utf-8'))['results'] dict = [] for keys in j: if "__tree__" not in keys['path']: dict.append(keys['path'] + " " + keys['name']) return dict
[docs] def post(self, path, name, data, vdom=None, mkey=None, parameters=None): """ Execute a REST POST on the API. It will fail if the targeted object already exist. When post to the upper name/path the mkey is in the data. So we can ensure the data set is correctly filled in case mkey is passed. :param path: first part of the Fortios API URL like :param name: https://myfgt:8040/api/v2/cmdb/<path>/<name> :param data: json containing the param/values of the object to be set :param mkey: when the cmdb object have a subtable mkey represent the subobject. It is optionnal at creation the code will find the mkey name for you. :param vdom: the vdom on which you want to apply config or global for global settings :param parameters: Add on parameters understood by the API call can be \"&select=\" for example :return: A formatted json with the last response from the API """ LOG.debug("in POST function") if mkey: mkeyname = self.get_mkeyname(path, name, vdom) LOG.debug("in post calculated mkeyname : %s mkey: %s ", mkeyname, mkey) # if mkey is forced on the function call then we change it in the data # even if inconsistent data/mkey is passed data[mkeyname] = mkey # post with mkey will return a 404 as the next level is not there yet # we pushed mkey in data if needed. url = self.cmdb_url(path, name, vdom, mkey=None) LOG.debug("POST sent data : %s", json.dumps(data)) res = url, params=parameters, data=json.dumps(data), timeout=self.timeout) LOG.debug("POST raw results: %s", res) return self.formatresponse(res, vdom=vdom)
[docs] def execute(self, path, name, data, vdom=None, mkey=None, parameters=None): """ Execute is an action done on a running fortigate it is actually doing a post to the monitor part of the API we choose this name for clarity :param path: first part of the Fortios API URL like :param name: https://myfgt:8040/api/v2/cmdb/<path>/<name> :param data: json containing the param/values of the object to be set :param mkey: when the cmdb object have a subtable mkey represent the subobject. It is optionnal at creation the code will find the mkey name for you. :param vdom: the vdom on which you want to apply config or global for global settings :param parameters: Add on parameters understood by the API call can be \"&select=\" for example :return: A formatted json with the last response from the API """ LOG.debug("in EXEC function") url = self.mon_url(path, name, vdom, mkey=mkey) LOG.debug("EXEC sent data : %s", json.dumps(data)) res = url, params=parameters, data=json.dumps(data), timeout=self.timeout) LOG.debug("EXEC raw results: %s", res) return self.formatresponse(res, vdom=vdom)
[docs] def put(self, path, name, vdom=None, mkey=None, parameters=None, data=None): """ Execute a REST PUT on the specified object with parameters in the data field as a json formatted field :param path: first part of the Fortios API URL like :param name: https://myfgt:8040/api/v2/cmdb/<path>/<name> :param data: json containing the param/values of the object to be set :param mkey: when the cmdb object have a subtable mkey represent the subobject. It is optionnal at creation the code will find the mkey name for you. :param vdom: the vdom on which you want to apply config or global for global settings :param parameters: Add on parameters understood by the API call can be \"&select=\" for example :return: A formatted json with the last response from the API """ if not mkey: mkey = self.get_mkey(path, name, data, vdom=vdom) url = self.cmdb_url(path, name, vdom, mkey) res = self._session.put(url, params=parameters, data=json.dumps(data), timeout=self.timeout) LOG.debug("in PUT function") return self.formatresponse(res, vdom=vdom)
[docs] def move(self, path, name, vdom=None, mkey=None, where=None, reference_key=None, parameters={}): # TODO add a test in the tOx suit """ Move an object in a cmdb table (firewall/policies for example). Usefull for reordering too :param path: first part of the Fortios API URL like :param name: https://myfgt:8040/api/v2/cmdb/<path>/<name> :param data: json containing the param/values of the object to be set :param mkey: when the cmdb object have a subtable mkey represent the subobject. It is optionnal at creation the code will find the mkey name for you. :param vdom: the vdom on which you want to apply config or global for global settings :param parameters: Add on parameters understood by the API call can be \"&select=\" for example :param where: the destination mkey in the table :param reference_key: the origin mkey in the table :return: A formatted json with the last response from the API """ url = self.cmdb_url(path, name, vdom, mkey) parameters['action'] = 'move' parameters[where] = str(reference_key) res = self._session.put(url, params=parameters, timeout=self.timeout) LOG.debug("in MOVE function") return self.formatresponse(res, vdom=vdom)
[docs] def delete(self, path, name, vdom=None, mkey=None, parameters=None, data=None): """ Delete a pointed object in the cmdb. :param path: first part of the Fortios API URL like :param name: https://myfgt:8040/api/v2/cmdb/<path>/<name> :param data: json containing the param/values of the object to be set :param mkey: when the cmdb object have a subtable mkey represent the subobject. It is optionnal at creation the code will find the mkey name for you. :param vdom: the vdom on which you want to apply config or global for global settings :param parameters: Add on parameters understood by the API call can be \"&select=\" for example :return: A formatted json with the last response from the API """ # Need to find the type of the mkey to avoid error when integer assume # the other types will be ok. if not mkey: mkey = self.get_mkey(path, name, data, vdom=vdom) url = self.cmdb_url(path, name, vdom, mkey) res = self._session.delete( url, params=parameters, data=json.dumps(data), timeout=self.timeout) LOG.debug("in DELETE function") return self.formatresponse(res, vdom=vdom)
# Set will try to put if err code is 424 will try post (424 is ressource exists) # may add a force option to delete and redo if troubles.
[docs] def set(self, path, name, data, mkey=None, vdom=None, parameters=None): """ Fortios API definition is at Function targeting config management. You pass the data of the part of cmdb you want to be set and the function will try POST and PUT to ensure your modification go through. :param path: first part of the Fortios API URL like :param name: https://myfgt:8040/api/v2/cmdb/<path>/<name> :param data: json containing the param/values of the object to be set :param mkey: when the cmdb object have a subtable mkey represent the subobject. It is optionnal at creation the code will find the mkey name for you. :param vdom: the vdom on which you want to apply config or global for global settings :param parameters: Add on parameters understood by the API call can be \"&select=\" for example :return: A formatted json with the last response from the API """ # post with mkey will return a 404 as the next level is not there yet if not mkey: mkey = self.get_mkey(path, name, data, vdom=vdom) url = self.cmdb_url(path, name, vdom, mkey) res = self._session.put( url, params=parameters, data=json.dumps(data), timeout=self.timeout) LOG.debug("in SET function after PUT") r = self.formatresponse(res, vdom=vdom) if r['http_status'] == 404 or r['http_status'] == 405 or r['http_status'] == 500: LOG.warning( "Try to put on %s failed doing a put to force parameters\ change consider delete if still fails ", res.request.url) res =, name, data, vdom, mkey) LOG.debug("in SET function after POST result %s", res) return self.formatresponse(res, vdom=vdom) else: return r
[docs] @staticmethod def ssh(cmds, host, user, password=None, port=22): """ DEPRECATED use paramiko directly. Send a multi line string via ssh to the fortigate :param cmds: multi line string with the Fortigate config cli :param host: ip/hostname of the fortigate interface :param user/password: fortigate admin user and password :param port: port 22 if not set or a port on which fortigate listen for ssh commands. :return: The output of the console commands and raise exception if failed """ client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) client.connect(host, port=port, username=user, password=password, allow_agent=False, timeout=10) LOG.debug("ssh login to %s:%s ", host, port) # commands is a multiline string using the ''' string ''' format try: stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(cmds) except: LOG.debug("exec_command failed") raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode=retcode, cmd=cmds, output=output) LOG.debug("ssh command in: %s out: %s err: %s ", stdin, stdout, stderr) retcode = LOG.debug("Paramiko return code : %s ", retcode) client.close() # @TODO re-use connections if retcode > 0: output = raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode=retcode, cmd=cmds, output=output) results = LOG.debug("ssh cmd %s | out: %s | err: %s ", cmds, results, retcode) # fortigate ssh send errors on stdout so checking that if "Command fail. Return code" in str(results): # TODO fill retcode with the output of the FGT raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode=retcode, cmd=cmds, output=results) return ''.join(str(results)), ''.join(str(
[docs] def license(self, vdom="root"): """ license check and update: - GET /api/v2/monitor/license/status - If pending (exec update-now) with FortiGuard if invalid POST api/v2/monitor/system/fortiguard/update and do the GET again Convinient when Fortigate starts and license validity takes time. :param vdom: root by default, can be global to do a global check :return: True if license is valid at the end of the process """ resp = self.monitor('license', 'status', vdom=vdom) if resp['status'] == 'success': LOG.debug("response monitor license status: %s", resp) return resp # TODO check the return message for Warning or even Invalid (yet) else: # if license not valid we try to update and check again postresp = self.execute( 'system', 'fortiguard/update', None, vdom=vdom) LOG.debug("Return EXECUTE fortiguard %s:", postresp) if postresp['status'] == 'success': time.sleep(17) resp2 = self.monitor('license', 'status', vdom=vdom) LOG.debug( "after update response monitor license status: %s", resp2) return resp2
[docs] def setoverlayconfig(self, yamltree, vdom=None): """ take a yaml tree with name: path: mkey: structure and recursively set the values. create a copy to only keep the leaf as node (table firewall rules etc Split the tree in 2 yaml objects and iterates) Update the higher level, up to tables as those config parameters may influence which param are allowed in the level 3 table :param yamltree: a yaml formatted string of the differents part of CMDB to be changed :param vdom: (optionnal) default is root, can use vdom=global to swtich to global settings. :return: """ yamltreel3 = copy.deepcopy(yamltree) LOG.debug("initial yamltreel3 is %s ", yamltreel3) for name in yamltree.copy(): for path in yamltree[name]: for k in yamltree[name][path].copy(): node = yamltree[name][path][k] if isinstance(node, dict): # if the node is a structure remove from yamltree keep in yamltreel3 LOG.debug("Delete yamltree k: %s node: %s ", k, node) del yamltree[name][path][k] LOG.debug("during DEL yamltreel3 is %s ", yamltreel3) else: # Should then be a string only so remove from yamltreel3 del yamltreel3[name][path] # yamltree and yamltreel3 are now different LOG.debug("after yamltree is %s ", yamltree) LOG.debug("after yamltreel3 is %s ", yamltreel3) restree = False # Set the standard value on top of nodes first (example if setting firewall mode # it must be done before pushing a rule l3) # Set the standard value on top of nodes first (example if setting firewall mode it must be done before pushing a rule l3) for name in yamltree: for path in yamltree[name]: LOG.debug("iterate set in yamltree @ name: %s path %s value %s", name, path, yamltree[name][path]) if yamltree[name][path]: res = self.set( name, path, data=yamltree[name][path], vdom=vdom) if res['status'] == "success": restree = True else: restree = False break for name in yamltreel3: for path in yamltreel3[name]: for k in yamltreel3[name][path].copy(): node = yamltreel3[name][path][k] LOG.debug( "iterate set in yamltreel3 @ node: %s value %s ", k, yamltreel3[name][path][k]) res = self.set(name, path, mkey=k, data=node, vdom=vdom) if res['status'] == "success": restree = True else: restree = False break # TODO Must defined a coherent returned value out return restree